Bedford Amateur Regatta

Saturday 14th May 2011

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Results for Kingston Grammar School

RaceTimeStatusNext Race(s) Enclosure EmbankmentTimeVerdict
4810:19IM2.8+137SAC(3) St Anne's College (Cox)BDS(4) Bedford School (Ruta)3:403/4 length
4010:02IM2.8+153PET(6) Peterborough City (Barrows)COX(7) City of Oxford RC (Kingham)3:413/4 length
4310:08IM2.8+140CHB(10) Christ ChurchCAM(11) City of Cambridge (Ladd)3:401 length
4110:04IM2.8+141MGD(13) Magdalene College (M1)KGS(14) Kingston Grammar School (Simmonds)3:421 1/2 lengths
13713:36IM2.8+231BDS(4) Bedford School (Ruta)PMB(5) Pembroke College, Oxford (Woods)3:351 length
15314:12IM2.8+231COX(7) City of Oxford RC (Kingham)PEM(8) Pembroke College, Cambridge (M1)3:401/2 length
14013:45IM2.8+232DOW(9) Downing College (M1)CAM(11) City of Cambridge (Ladd)3:371/4 length
14113:47IM2.8+232UWK(12) Warwick University (Owen)KGS(14) Kingston Grammar School (Simmonds)3:341 length
23117:06IM2.8+285PMB(5) Pembroke College, Oxford (Woods)PEM(8) Pembroke College, Cambridge (M1)3:333/4 length
23217:08IM2.8+285DOW(9) Downing College (M1)KGS(14) Kingston Grammar School (Simmonds)3:313/4 length
28519:04IM2.8+ PEM(8) Pembroke College, Cambridge (M1)KGS(14) Kingston Grammar School (Simmonds)3:331 length
108:30NOV.8+18 / 102BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)3:571 1/2 lengths
208:32NOV.8+19 / 96RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)BDS(48) Bedford School (Wilson)3:592 lengths
1809:05NOV.8+85BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)RAD(33) Radley College Boat Club (Bonsor)4:012 1/2 lengths
1008:48NOV.8+85 / 102ABS(34) Abingdon School (B)QCC(35) Queens' College (M2)3:571 3/4 lengths
808:44NOV.8+76 / 93UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)BDS(37) Bedford School (Stephenson)3:551 1/4 lengths
1108:51NOV.8+76 / 93ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)BED(39) Bedford Rowing Club (Bradley)4:031/2 length
1208:53NOV.8+79 / 97NSC(40) Norwich School (Jermy)KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)3:51easily
1308:55NOV.8+79 / 97TRH(42) Trinity Hall (Pott)SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)3:543/4 length
1408:57NOV.8+78 / 96MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:43easily
1909:07NOV.8+78UWK(46) Warwick University (Hewlings)RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)4:22Row Over
8511:39NOV.8+193BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)QCC(35) Queens' College (M2)3:492 lengths
7611:20NOV.8+193BDS(37) Bedford School (Stephenson)ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)4:022 feet
7911:26NOV.8+197KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)TRH(42) Trinity Hall (Pott)3:493 lengths
7811:24NOV.8+197ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)RAD(47) Radley College Boat Club (Rose)3:47easily
19315:38NOV.8+265BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)ORA(38) The Oratory School (Langguth)3:511 1/2 lengths
19715:46NOV.8+265KGS(41) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:324 lengths
26518:18NOV.8+ BMS(31) Bedford Modern School (Tamkin)ABS(45) Abingdon School (Wood)3:372 lengths
10213:01NOV.8+ (P)198CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)ABS(34) Abingdon School (B)4:03a canvas
9311:55NOV.8+ (P)198UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)BED(39) Bedford Rowing Club (Bradley)3:572 1/2 lengths
9714:20NOV.8+ (P)199NSC(40) Norwich School (Jermy)SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)4:001 3/4 lengths
9612:02NOV.8+ (P)199MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)BDS(48) Bedford School (Wilson)4:022 lengths
19815:48NOV.8+ (P)266CAM(32) City of Cambridge (Duckworth)UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)3:54easily
19915:51NOV.8+ (P)266SES(43) St Edward's School (Kelly)MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)4:312 1/2 lengths
26618:20NOV.8+ (P) UWK(36) Warwick University (Edwards)MAG(44) Magdalen College, Oxford (McGhee)3:561 foot
17114:52J18.8+247BMS(65) Bedford Modern School (Bell)RAD(66) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)3:271/2 length
17214:54J18.8+250BDS(69) Bedford School (Ruta)ABS(70) Abingdon School (Sadler)3:30easily
24717:40J18.8+292RAD(66) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)WIN(67) Winchester College BC (Hall)3:40
25017:46J18.8+292KGS(68) Kingston Grammar School (Simmonds)ABS(70) Abingdon School (Sadler)6:362 lengths
29219:18J18.8+ RAD(66) Radley College Boat Club (Eadie)ABS(70) Abingdon School (Sadler)3:121/4 length
24216:30J18.2nd.8+293RAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)BDS(74) Bedford School (Chiang)3:391 3/4 lengths
24417:29J18.2nd.8+400ABS(71) Abingdon School (Graham)KGS(72) Kingston Grammar School (Sim)NTT1 length
29317:33J18.2nd.8+400RAD(309) Radley College Boat Club (Binnie)RAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)NTTRow Over
40019:21J18.2nd.8+ ABS(71) Abingdon School (Graham)RAD(73) Radley College Boat Club (Shawcross)3:251 1/4 lengths

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