Walton and Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 8th June 2019

Draw for Kingston Rowing Club

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Click here to view the Draw for Kingston Rowing Club.
RaceTimeEventStatusNext Race Middlesex Surrey
20416:0833Mas.DE.4-238KRC(217) Kingston Rowing Club (=D)ETX(218) Eton Excelsior RC (=D)  
20516:1133Mas.DE.4-238TSS(219) Tideway Scullers School (=E)GUI(220) Guildford RC (=D)  
23817:3733Mas.DE.4- Winner of Race 204Winner of Race 205  
6611:194Mas.DE.4X106WBK(11) Walbrook RC (Lukes =D)KRC(12) Kingston Rowing Club (=D)  
6711:224Mas.DE.4X106WBK(13) Walbrook RC (Davis =E)WEY(14) Weybridge (=D)  
10612:584Mas.DE.4X Winner of Race 66Winner of Race 67  
1409:1410Thames.J14.4X+62KRC(30) Kingston Rowing ClubSGC(31) St George's College BC (Lepone)  
1509:1810Thames.J14.4X+63SGC(34) St George's College BC (Von Speyr)GUI(35) Guildford RC (Hanin)  
6211:0710Thames.J14.4X+103Winner of Race 14GUI(32) Guildford RC (Summerfield)  
6311:1110Thames.J14.4X+103MGN(33) Magdalen College School BCWinner of Race 15  
10312:5010Thames.J14.4X+ Winner of Race 62Winner of Race 63  
908:5412Thames.W.J14.4X+58SBT(41) Surbiton High School (Alexander)LEH(42) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Attwood)  
1008:5812Thames.W.J14.4X+58BAE(43) Barn Elms RCLEA(44) Lea Rowing Club  
1109:0212Thames.W.J14.4X+59LEH(45) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Crocker)KRC(46) Kingston Rowing Club (Parkins-Godwin)  
1209:0612Thames.W.J14.4X+59GUI(47) Guildford RC (Wells)SBT(48) Surbiton High School (Jones)  
5810:5112Thames.W.J14.4X+101Winner of Race 9Winner of Race 10  
5910:5512Thames.W.J14.4X+101Winner of Race 11Winner of Race 12  
10112:4212Thames.W.J14.4X+ Winner of Race 58Winner of Race 59  
508:3813Wey.W.J14.4X+56WLT(49) Walton RCSGC(50) St George's College BC (Skinner)  
608:4213Wey.W.J14.4X+56GUI(51) Guildford RC (Cameron)LEH(52) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club (Kroijer)  
708:4613Wey.W.J14.4X+57ETX(53) Eton Excelsior RCSGC(54) St George's College BC (Scott)  
808:5013Wey.W.J14.4X+57WEY(55) WeybridgeKRC(56) Kingston Rowing Club (Greiner)  
5610:4313Wey.W.J14.4X+100Winner of Race 5Winner of Race 6  
5710:4713Wey.W.J14.4X+100Winner of Race 7Winner of Race 8  
10012:3813Wey.W.J14.4X+ Winner of Race 56Winner of Race 57  
20214:4943Mas.CD.2X236BEB(252) Bewl Bridge RC (=D)KRC(253) Kingston Rowing Club (Bishop =D)  
20316:0643Mas.CD.2X236WLT(254) Walton RC (=C)KRC(255) Kingston Rowing Club (Tjarks =C)  
23617:3143Mas.CD.2X Winner of Race 202Winner of Race 203  
17915:0244J16.2X221WEY(256) Weybridge (McNulty)KGS(257) Kingston Grammar School (Dudgeon)  
18015:0444J16.2X221KRC(258) Kingston Rowing ClubSTN(259) Staines BC (Froggatt)  
18115:0644J16.2X222CHR(260) Christchurch RCKGS(261) Kingston Grammar School (Fletcher)  
18215:0844J16.2X222WEY(262) Weybridge (Newton)STN(263) Staines BC (Geczy)  
22116:4744J16.2X250Winner of Race 179Winner of Race 180  
22216:4944J16.2X250Winner of Race 181Winner of Race 182  
25018:0644J16.2X Winner of Race 221Winner of Race 222  
17714:5845J14.2X219CHH(264) Charterhouse BCGUI(265) Guildford RC (Rawlinson)  
17815:0045J14.2X220KRC(268) Kingston Rowing ClubGUI(269) Guildford RC (Guest)  
21916:4345J14.2X249Winner of Race 177MGN(266) Magdalen College School BC  
22016:4545J14.2X249BCS(267) Bournemouth CollegiateWinner of Race 178  
24918:0445J14.2X Winner of Race 219Winner of Race 220  
17314:5049W.J16.2X217RDG(283) Reading RC (Milhofer)WLT(284) Walton RC  
17414:5249W.J16.2X217KGS(285) Kingston Grammar SchoolKRC(286) Kingston Rowing Club  
17514:5449W.J16.2X218BUR(287) Burway RCMHD(288) Maidenhead RC  
17614:5649W.J16.2X218RDG(289) Reading RC (Blunt)LEA(290) Lea Rowing Club  
21716:3949W.J16.2X248Winner of Race 173KRC(286) Kingston Rowing Club  
21816:4149W.J16.2X248Winner of Race 175Winner of Race 176  
24818:0249W.J16.2X Winner of Race 217Winner of Race 218  
16914:4250W.J14.2X215SBT(291) Surbiton High SchoolLEH(292) Lady Eleanor Holles Boat Club  
17014:4450W.J14.2X215RDG(293) Reading RCWEY(294) Weybridge  
17114:4650W.J14.2X216STN(295) Staines BCBAE(296) Barn Elms RC  
17214:4850W.J14.2X216WHS(297) Wimbledon High School (Frediani)KRC(298) Kingston Rowing Club  
21516:3550W.J14.2X247Winner of Race 169Winner of Race 170  
21616:3750W.J14.2X247Winner of Race 171KRC(298) Kingston Rowing Club  
24718:0050W.J14.2X Winner of Race 215Winner of Race 216  
8612:0919W.J13.2X120KRC(92) Kingston Rowing ClubWEY(93) Weybridge  
12013:3419W.J13.2X RDG(91) Reading RCWinner of Race 86  
1609:2221Mas.DE.1X65BAE(107) Barn Elms RC (M Livingstone =D)TSS(108) Tideway Scullers School (N McChesney =E)  
6411:1521Mas.DE.1X104TSS(104) Tideway Scullers School (B Bridger =E)FUL(105) Fulham Reach RC (P Macdonald =E)  
6511:1721Mas.DE.1X104KRC(106) Kingston Rowing Club (E Young =E)Winner of Race 16  
10412:5421Mas.DE.1X Winner of Race 64Winner of Race 65  
408:3622Thames.J16.1X55KRC(112) Kingston Rowing Club (J Greiner)MGN(113) Magdalen College School BC (J Pullinger)0:44 
5410:3922Thames.J16.1X99CHR(109) Christchurch RC (W Tate)MGN(110) Magdalen College School BC (D Bradbery)  
5510:4122Thames.J16.1X99KGS(111) Kingston Grammar School (H Fletcher)KRC(112) Kingston Rowing Club (J Greiner)  
9912:3622Thames.J16.1X Winner of Race 54Winner of Race 55  
308:3423Wey.J16.1X53CHR(117) Christchurch RC (B Ingrem)WEY(118) Weybridge (C McNulty)1:02 
5210:3523Wey.J16.1X98SGC(114) St George's College BC (M Gover)WEY(115) Weybridge (O Smith)  
5310:3723Wey.J16.1X98KRC(116) Kingston Rowing Club (L Bryan)WEY(118) Weybridge (C McNulty)  
9812:3423Wey.J16.1X Winner of Race 52Winner of Race 53