Shrewsbury Regatta

Saturday 11th May 2019

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Switch to Sunday 12 May 2019

Draw for Loughborough RC

7) Open Coxed Fours (Band 2)

Sponsored by IRCM

 21) Stourport BC───────────────┐ Stourport BC                  
 22) Bewdley (Addison)──────────┘ 2:39 3 lengths                │ Stourport BC                  
 23) York St John───────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:48 easily                   │ Stourport BC                  
 24) Loughborough───────────────────────────────────────────────┐                               │ 2:39 1 1/4 lengths            
                                                                │ Harper Adams University RC    │
 25) Queens Park High School RC─┐ Harper Adams University RC    ├───────────────────────────────┘
                                ├───────────────────────────────┘ 2:38 2 lengths                
 26) Harper Adams University RC─┘ 2:05 1 1/2 lengths            

29) Mixed Masters E Double Sculls

Sponsored by Colour Mart

 115) Upton RC────────────────────────┐
                                      │ Upton RC         
 116) Leicester────┐ Leicester        ├──────────────────
                   ├──────────────────┘ 2:51 2 lengths   
 117) Loughborough─┘ 2:46 easily      

31) Open Sculls (Band 2)

Sponsored by Colour Mart

 121) Trent (Carlton─Greaves)──┐ Loughborough                 
 122) Loughborough─────────────┘ 2:45 1 1/2 lengths           │ Loughborough                 
 123) Trent (Pountney)────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:46 2 lengths               │ Loughborough                 
 124) Trent (Russell)─────────────────────────────────────────┐                              │ 2:55 2 1/2 lengths           
                                                              │ Trent (Bell)                 │
 125) Northwich RC (Beardwood)─┐ Trent (Bell)                 ├──────────────────────────────┘
                               ├──────────────────────────────┘ 3:30 easily                  
 126) Trent (Bell)─────────────┘ 2:46 1 length                

39) Women's Masters D Eights

Sponsored by Hooper Burrowes Solicitors

 203) Loughborough─┐ Pengwern RC      
 204) Pengwern RC──┘ 2:52 1/4 length  

45) Masters D Coxless Fours

Sponsored by Premier Music International Ltd

 223) Stourport BC─┐ Stourport BC     
 224) Loughborough─┘ 2:19 3 lengths   

46) Masters C/D Quads

Sponsored by Premier Music International Ltd

 225) Loughborough (=D)─────────────────────────┐
                                                │ Trent (=C)            
 226) Trent (=C)────────┐ Trent (=C)            ├───────────────────────
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 2:35 easily           
 227) Stourport BC (=D)─┘ 1:41 Not recorded     

64) Women's Masters B Double Sculls

Sponsored by Admiral Benbow

 301) Ironbridge RC─┐ Loughborough      
 302) Loughborough──┘ 4:50 3 lengths    

70) Masters D Sculls

Sponsored by Dave Mellor Cycles

 320) North Staffordshire RC──────────────────────────────┐
                                                          │ North Staffordshire RC     
 321) Guildford──────────────┐ Guildford                  ├────────────────────────────
                             ├────────────────────────────┘ 3:11 1 length              
 322) Loughborough───────────┘ 1:18 4 1/2 lengths