Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 11th July 2010

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Cambridge '99 RC

7) Intermediate 3 Coxed Fours

 20) Magdalene College (Forrest)────┐ Magdalene College (Forrest)       
 21) City of Cambridge (Kirk)───────┘ 1:58 3/4 length                   │ Magdalene College (Forrest)       
 22) Medway Towns (Bradley)─────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:14 easily                       │ Magdalene College (Forrest)       
 23) Cambridge 99 (Kirkland)────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                   │ 2:16 1 1/2 lengths                
                                                                        │ City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)    │
 24) Star Club (Chillingsworth)─────┐ City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)    ├───────────────────────────────────┘
                                    ├───────────────────────────────────┘ 2:28 2 lengths                    
 25) City of Cambridge (Cornegruta)─┘ 2:06 3 1/2 lengths                

13) Womens Novice Coxed Fours

 48) Cambridge 99 (Mallik)──────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Northampton (Eldridge)                
 49) Northampton (Eldridge)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:35 2 lengths                        │ Northampton (Eldridge)                
 50) Staines (Kent)─────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐                                       │ 2:28 1/2 length                       
                                                                                │ Broxbourne (Perryman)                 │
 51) Broxbourne (Perryman)──────────────┐ Broxbourne (Perryman)                 ├───────────────────────────────────────┘
                                        ├───────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:33 1 1/4 lengths                    
 52) Peterborough City (Rushton─Thorpe)─┘ 2:33 3 lengths                        

25) Womens Intermediate 3 Double Sculls

 94) City of Cambridge (Richer/Kaye)───┐ Staines/Brunel (Jones/Seary)         
 95) Staines/Brunel (Jones/Seary)──────┘ 2:19 1 1/2 lengths                   │ Staines/Brunel (Jones/Seary)         
 96) Isle of Ely (Cotgrove/Turton)────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:22 2 lengths                       │
                                                                                                                     │ Staines/Brunel (Jones/Seary)         
 97) Cambridge 99 (Tocknell/Crouch)────┐ Weybridge RC (Wells/Holgate)                                                ├──────────────────────────────────────
                                       ├──────────────────────────────────────┐                                      │ 2:25 1 1/2 lengths                   
 98) Weybridge RC (Wells/Holgate)──────┘ 1 1/4 lengths                        │ City of Cambridge (Bailey/Airey)     │
 99) Star Club (Smith/Barnwell)────────┐ City of Cambridge (Bailey/Airey)     │ 1 length                             
 100) City of Cambridge (Bailey/Airey)─┘ 2:26 3 lengths                       

40) Womens Intermediate 3 Sculls

 176) Champion of the Thames (Smith)─┐ Champion of the Thames (Smith)     
 177) Cantabrigian (Meadows)─────────┘ 2 lengths                          │ City of Cambridge (Bailey)         
 178) City of Cambridge (Bailey)──────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:32 3 lengths                     │
                                                                                                               │ City of Cambridge (Bailey)         
 179) Cambridge 99 (Tocknell)────────┐ Cambridge 99 (Tocknell)                                                 ├────────────────────────────────────┐
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┐ Cambridge 99 (Tocknell)            │ 3:09 easily                        │
 180) Brunel University (Seary)──────┘ 3 1/2 lengths                      ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
                                                                          │ 2:46 3 lengths                                                          │
 181) Isle of Ely (Cotgrove)──────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                                                         │ Cantabrigian (Eldred)              
 182) Broxbourne (Gilliver)───────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Cross Keys (Harbour)                                                    │ 2:25 1 1/4 lengths                 
                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
 183) Cross Keys (Harbour)───────────┐ Cross Keys (Harbour)               │ 2:33 4 lengths                     │                                    │
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │ Cantabrigian (Eldred)              │
 184) Bedford (Gagol)────────────────┘ 2 1/2 lengths                                                           ├────────────────────────────────────┘
                                                                                                               │ 3:25 1 length                      
 185) Guildford (Hough)───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Cantabrigian (Eldred)              │
 186) St Neots (Knowles)─────────────┐ Cantabrigian (Eldred)              │ 2:38 3 lengths                     
 187) Cantabrigian (Eldred)──────────┘ easily