Star Regatta
Saturday 12th May 2018
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.
1) Open Eights
1) Star/Bedford (Waugh)──────┐
2) Bedford School (J16 B)────┘ Race 101 13:25 │
3) Bedford School (3rd VIII)─┐ │ Race 123 14:31
4) Eton College (Jain)───────┘ Race 45 10:37
2) Junior 16 Eights
5) Norwich School (Collinson)────────────────────────┐
6) Bedford Modern School (Potts)─────────────────────┘ Race 107 13:43 │
7) Hampton School (Eddie the Eagle)──────────────────┐ │ Race 129 14:49
│ │
8) Bedford School (Lyon)────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 19 09:19
9) Hampton School (Sean the Sheep)──┘ Race 6 08:40
3) Junior 15 Eights
10) Bedford School (Toms)───────────┐
11) Bedford Modern School (Dunning)─┘ Race 177 17:13 │
12) St Edward's School (Abel)───────┐ │ Race 203 18:31
13) Abingdon School (McNamara)──────┘ Race 116 14:10
4) Junior 15 B Eights
14) Abingdon School (Rich)─────────────────────────┐
15) Bedford School (Tyrer)─────────────────────────┘ Race 176 17:10 │
16) Abingdon School (McNally)──────────────────────┐ │ Race 200 18:22
│ │
17) Bedford Modern School (Kroon)─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 178 17:16
18) Bedford School (Lumley─Wood)──┘ Race 56 11:10
5) Women's Eights
19) Bedford Girls School (McDonagh)─┐
20) University of Leicester (Cooke)─┘ Race 202 18:28
6) Women's Junior 17 Eights
21) St Edward's School (Waghorn)──────────────────┐
22) Bedford Girls School (Ecart)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 102 13:28
23) Bedford Girls School (Keane)─┘ Race 51 10:55
7) Junior 14 Octuples
24) Oundle School (Jones)──────────────────┐
25) Abingdon School (Cai)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 201 18:25
26) Bedford School (J14a)─┘ Race 97 13:13
8) Junior 14 B Octuples
27) Abingdon School (Hewetson─Smith)──────────────────┐
28) Abingdon School (Tucker)──────────────────────────┘ Race 112 13:58 │
29) Bedford Modern School (B)─────────────────────────┐ │ Race 168 16:46 │
├────────────────┘ │
30) Bedford School (J14c)─────────────────────────────┘ Race 110 13:52 │
31) Abingdon School (Hannigan)────────────────────────┐ │ Race 184 17:34
├────────────────┐ │
32) Norwich School (B Oct)────────────────────────────┘ Race 34 10:04 │ │
33) Bedford Modern School (Chinn)─────────────────────┐ │ Race 83 12:31
34) Bedford School (J14d)────────────┐ │ Race 23 09:31
35) Bedford School (J14b)────────────┘ Race 18 09:16
9) Women's Junior 14 Octuples
36) St Edward's School (Cooper)──────────────────────┐
37) Bedford Girls School (Santerre)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 191 17:55
38) Bedford Girls School (Doherty)──┘ Race 172 16:58
10) Open Coxed Fours
39) X Press (Thornton)───────────────────┐
40) Eton College (Jain)──────────────────┘ Race 58 11:16 │
41) University of East Anglia (Gherghel)──────────────────┘ Race 77 12:13 │
42) Martyrs BC (Singfield)────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 170 16:52
│ │
43) X Press (Vellinho)───────────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 117 14:13
44) University of East Anglia (Childs)───┘ Race 93 13:01
11) Masters C Coxed Fours
45) X Press (Thornton)─┐
46) X Press (Vellinho)─┘ Race 144 15:34
12) Junior 16 Coxed Fours
47) Bedford Modern School (Potts)─┐
48) Hampton School (PTON)─────────┘ Race 173 17:01 │
49) Bedford Modern School (Smith)─┐ │ Race 199 18:19
50) Norwich School (Hempsall)─────┘ Race 179 17:19
13) Junior 15 Coxed Fours
51) Bedford Modern School (Little)───────────────────┐
52) St Edward's School (Cope)────────────────────────┘ Race 115 14:07 │
53) Bedford Modern School (Dunning)──────────────────┐ │ Race 136 15:10
│ │
54) Norwich School (Baker)──────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 20 09:22
55) Abingdon School (McNamara)──────┘ Race 4 08:34
14) Junior 15 B Coxed Fours
56) Norwich School (Hampsheir)──────────────────────┐
57) Abingdon School (Pearson)───────────────────────┘ Race 11 08:55 │
58) Bedford Modern School (Kroon)───────────────────┐ │ Race 39 10:19 │
├────────────────┘ │
59) Abingdon School (Hobby)─────────────────────────┘ Race 22 09:28 │
60) Abingdon School (Rich)──────────────────────────┐ │ Race 68 11:46
├────────────────┐ │
61) Bedford Modern School (Shaikh)──────────────────┘ Race 28 09:46 │ │
62) Norwich School (Chitre)─────────────────────────┐ │ Race 42 10:28
63) Bedford School (Johal)─────────┐ │ Race 41 10:25
64) Bedford School (Schael)────────┘ Race 16 09:10
15) Women's Coxed Fours
65) University of Leicester (Zakhour)─────┐
66) University of East Anglia (Doubleday)─┘ Race 142 15:28 │
67) St Edward's School (Hughes)───────────┐ │ Race 154 16:04
68) University of Leicester (Thomas)──────┘ Race 134 15:04
16) Women's Masters D Coxed Fours
69) Star Club (White─3)──────────┐
70) Peterborough City (Marsters)─┘ Race 198 18:16
17) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Fours
71) Bedford Girls School (Kooner)──────────────────┐
72) Bedford Girls School (Giles)──┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 183 17:31
73) Bedford Girls School (Webb)───┘ Race 160 16:22
18) Open Quads
74) Bedford (Taylor)─────────────────────────┐
75) Bedford School (Davies)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 197 18:13
76) Bedford School (Marie)──┘ Race 181 17:25
19) Masters E Quads
77) Star Club (Thomson)─┐
78) Isle of Ely (Dodes)─┘ Race 196 18:10
20) Junior 18 Quads
79) Oundle School (Stringer)─┐
80) Star Club (Ashby)────────┘ Race 156 16:10
21) Junior 16 Quads
81) Hampton School (WHAT?)─────────────────────┐
82) Bedford School (English)───────────────────┘ Race 2 08:28 │
83) Norwich School (Sexton)────────────────────┐ │ Race 36 10:10
│ │
84) Hampton School (DICE)─────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 7 08:43
85) Peterborough City (Smith)─┘ Race 1 08:25
22) Women's Quads
86) Star Club (Keats)─────────┐
87) St Edward's School (Ward)─┘ Race 195 18:07
23) Women's Junior 16 Quads
88) Oundle School (A)──────────────────────────────┐
89) Peterborough City (Hilton)────┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 133 15:01
90) Bedford Modern School (Eales)─┘ Race 103 13:31
24) Junior 15 Coxed Quads
91) Oundle School (Jowitt)──────┐
92) Norwich School (Hampsheir)──┘ Race 26 09:40 │
93) Peterborough City (Woodall)─┐ │ Race 30 09:52
94) Bedford School (Linney)─────┘ Race 27 09:43
25) Junior 14 Coxed Quads
95) St Edward's School (Bilgutay)─┐
96) Oundle School (Crane)─────────┘ Race 67 11:43 │
97) Bedford School (J14 4X+ A)─────────────────────┘ Race 121 14:25 │
98) Abingdon School (J14 A)────────────────────────┐ │ Race 161 16:25
│ │
99) Norwich School (Blue)─────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 48 10:46
100) Bedford School (4x+)─────────┘ Race 37 10:13
26) Junior 14 B Coxed Quads
101) Bedford School (Calvert)──────────┐
102) Bedford School (Stredwick)────────┘ Race 13 09:01 │
103) Bedford Modern School (A)──────────────────────────┘ Race 38 10:16 │
104) Norwich School (Red)───────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 54 11:04 │
├────────────────┘ │
105) Abingdon School (Hannigan)─────────────────────────┘ Race 5 08:37 │
106) Abingdon School (Massey Thompson)──────────────────┐ │ Race 132 14:58
├────────────────┐ │
107) Abingdon School (Watkins)──────────────────────────┘ Race 47 10:43 │ │
108) Bedford Modern School (B)──────────────────────────┐ │ Race 60 11:22
109) Bedford School (Bentley─Evans)────┐ │ Race 44 10:34
110) Bedford School (Whiteman)─────────┘ Race 3 08:31
27) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Quads
111) St Edward's School (Clack)─────┐
112) Peterborough City (Woodall)────┘ Race 15 09:07 │
113) Oundle School (Peckett)────────┐ │ Race 162 16:28
114) Bedford Modern School (Watson)─┘ Race 114 14:04
28) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads
115) St Edward's School (Llabres Diaz)─┐
116) Bedford Modern School (Pratt)─────┘ Race 122 14:28 │
117) Bedford Girls School (Lloyd)──────┐ │ Race 163 16:31
118) Oundle School (3fg)───────────────┘ Race 138 15:16
29) Women's Junior 14 B Coxed Quads
119) St Edward's School (Johnson)────────────────────┐
120) Bedford Girls School (Palmer)───────────────────┘ Race 109 13:49 │
121) Bedford Modern School (Clancy)──────────────────┐ │ Race 151 15:55
│ │
122) St Edward's School (Garner)────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 125 14:37
123) Norwich School (Loveland)──────┘ Race 61 11:25
30) Junior 16 Coxless Pairs
124) Bedford School (Bedford School (Giles))──┐
125) Norwich School (Norwich School (Gray))───┘ Race 146 15:40 │
126) Norwich School (Norwich School (Baker))──┐ │ Race 159 16:19
127) Bedford School (Bedford School (Gordon))─┘ Race 89 12:49
31) Women's Coxless Pairs
128) Worcester (Salter/Llewellyn)───────┐
129) Bedford Girls School (Harris/Ames)─┘ Race 194 18:04
32) Open Double Sculls
130) St Ives RC (Hammond/Wright)──────────────┐
131) Bedford (Taylor/Malys)───────────────────┘ Race 64 11:34 │
132) Star Club (Mackie/Beechinor)──────────────────────────────┘ Race 99 13:19 │
133) Peterborough City (Plumb/Totty)───────────────────────────┐ │ Race 164 16:34
│ │
134) Hollowell Scullers (Fenemore/Coxon)──────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 148 15:46
135) University of East Anglia (Hill/Watkins)─┘ Race 130 14:52
33) Junior 17 Double Sculls
136) Peterborough City (Collins/Mackenzie)─┐
137) Oundle School (James/Stringer)────────┘ Race 131 14:55
34) Junior 16 Double Sculls
138) Oundle School (Lu/Yardley)─────────────────┐
139) St Edward's School (Madrian/Del Mar)───────┘ Race 86 12:40 │
140) Hampton School (Hampton School (Thomas))────────────────────┘ Race 100 13:22 │
141) Norwich School (Bacic/Erdodi)───────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 143 15:31
│ │
142) Hampton School (Hampton School (Tripathi))─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 74 12:04
143) Star Club (White/Gale)─────────────────────┘ Race 10 08:52
35) Junior 15 Double Sculls
144) Norwich School (Norwich School (Allen))────────────────────┐
145) Norwich School (Norwich School (Hulbert))─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 149 15:49
146) St Ives RC (Hasted/Crouch)────────────────┘ Race 108 13:46
36) Junior 15 B Double Sculls
147) Norwich School (Norwich School (Kohler))─┐
148) Norwich School (Norwich School (Sibley))─┘ Race 157 16:13
37) Junior 14 Double Sculls
149) Bedford (John/Mitchell)───────────────────────────┐
150) Norwich School (Norwich School (Thornton))────────┘ Race 29 09:49 │
151) St Edward's School (St Edward's School (Parry))────────────────────┘ Race 33 10:01 │
152) Norwich School (Norwich School (Sergent))──────────────────────────┐ │ Race 104 13:34
│ │
153) Peterborough City (Ribbons/Lamont)────────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 90 12:52
154) St Edward's School (St Edward's School (Wheeler))─┘ Race 8 08:46
38) Junior 14 B Double Sculls
155) Norwich School (Murray/Scott)─┐
156) Star Club (Roberts/Baker)─────┘ Race 53 11:01
39) Women's Double Sculls
157) Norwich School (Norwich School (Holdcroft))──────────────────┐
158) University of Leicester (Conetta/Thomas)─────────────────────┘ Race 111 13:55 │
159) Star Club (Star Club (Holder))───────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 167 16:43
│ │
160) Star Club (Star Club (White))───────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 135 15:07
161) Norwich School (Norwich School (Shaw))──────┘ Race 95 13:07
40) Women's Masters B/C Double Sculls
162) Peterborough City (Read/Sheldrick =B)─┐
163) Star Club (King/Knight =C)────────────┘ Race 193 18:01
41) Women's Junior 17 Double Sculls
164) Peterborough City (Bassett/Parker)──────────────────┐
165) Star Club (Upex/Tarrant)───────────┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 192 17:58
166) Oundle School (Wolfson/Kunzer)─────┘ Race 145 15:37
42) Women's Junior 16 Double Sculls
167) Bedford Girls School (Parry/Trobe)─────┐
168) Norwich School (Shaw/Coventry)─────────┘ Race 73 12:01 │
169) Oundle School (Oundle School (Neame))───────────────────┘ Race 119 14:19 │
170) Bedford Modern School (Davis/Heappey)──┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┐ │ Race 150 15:52
171) Bedford (Flemons/Gendron)──────────────┘ Race 62 11:28 │ │
172) Peterborough City (Griffiths/Mace)─────┐ │ Race 80 12:22
173) Oundle School (Oundle School (Aisher))─┘ Race 59 11:19
43) Women's Junior 15 Double Sculls
174) Bedford Modern School (Bedford Modern School (Fletcher))─┐
175) Norwich School (Udy/Holdcroft)───────────────────────────┘ Race 52 10:58 │
176) Peterborough City (Turp/Bicknell)────────────────────────┐ │ Race 66 11:40 │
├────────────────┘ │
177) Bedford Girls School (Crook/Keane)───────────────────────┘ Race 21 09:25 │
178) Bedford (Bedford RC (Gendron))───────────────────────────┐ │ Race 128 14:46
├────────────────┐ │
179) Bedford Modern School (Bedford Modern School (Smith))────┘ Race 17 09:13 │ │
180) Star Club (Rands)────────────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 46 10:40
181) Bedford (Bedford RC (Monaghan))──────────────────────────┘ Race 35 10:07
44) Women's Junior 15 B Double Sculls
182) Bedford Modern School (Bedford Modern School (Wharton))──┐
183) Bedford Girls School (Bedford Girls School (Hoar))───────┘ Race 166 16:40 │
184) Bedford Modern School (Bedford Modern School (Lawrence))─┐ │ Race 185 17:37
185) Bedford Girls School (Bedford Girls School (Chambers))───┘ Race 69 11:49
45) Women's Junior 14 Double Sculls
186) St Edward's School (Freeland/Gibb)─────────┐
187) Bedford Girls School (Colman/Palmer)───────┘ Race 92 12:58 │
188) Star Club (Gallaher/Holmes)─────────────────────────────────┘ Race 106 13:40 │
189) Bedford Modern School (Brady/Brittain)──────────────────────┐ │ Race 139 15:19
│ │
190) Norwich School (Norwich School (Loveland))─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 98 13:16
191) Norwich School (Norwich School (Brown))────┘ Race 75 12:07
46) Womens Junior 14 Double Sculls
192) Star Club (Cicco/Saunders)──────────┐
193) Bedford Modern School (Bezchi/Rudd)─┘ Race 165 16:37
47) Open Sculls
194) Eton Vikings Club (Foster)─┐
195) St Ives RC (Wright)────────┘ Race 81 12:25 │
196) Bedford (Farley)────────────────────────────┘ Race 127 14:43 │
197) Cantabrigian (Goode)────────────────────────┐ │ Race 147 15:43
│ │
198) St Neots (Todd)────────────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 79 12:19
199) St Ives RC (Hammond)───────┘ Race 50 10:52
48) Masters F/G Sculls
200) Star Club (Waugh =F)─────┐
201) Bedford (Banham─Hall =G)─┘ Race 190 17:52
49) Junior 18 Sculls
202) Eton College (Hamilton─Davies)─┐
203) Star Club (Ngwang)─────────────┘ Race 96 13:10
50) Junior 17 Sculls
204) Eton College (Clarke)─────────┐
205) Peterborough City (Mackenzie)─┘ Race 105 13:37 │
206) Peterborough City (Collins)───┐ │ Race 153 16:01
207) Star Club (Tame)──────────────┘ Race 113 14:01
51) Junior 16 Sculls
208) Star Club (Sayer)────────────────────────────────┐
209) Star Club (Battisson)────────────────────────────┘ Race 91 12:55 │
210) Star Club (Hanks)────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 158 16:16 │
├────────────────┘ │
211) Norwich School (Prior)───────────────────────────┘ Race 94 13:04 │
212) Bedford (Reed)───────────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 189 17:49
├────────────────┐ │
213) Peterborough City (Barnett)──────────────────────┘ Race 25 09:37 │ │
214) Bedford School (Lyon)────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 32 09:58
215) St Edward's School (Del Mar)────┐ │ Race 31 09:55
216) Oundle School (De Lencquesaing)─┘ Race 12 08:58
52) Junior 15 Sculls
217) Bedford (Loveday)───────────────────────┐
218) Star Club (Gale)────────────────────────┘ Race 43 10:31 │
219) Norwich School (Baker)──────────────────┐ │ Race 55 11:07 │
├────────────────┘ │
220) Norwich School (Kirby)──────────────────┘ Race 24 09:34 │
221) Bedford (Kilby)─────────────────────────┐ │ Race 180 17:22
├────────────────┐ │
222) Norwich School (Gray)───────────────────┘ Race 63 11:31 │ │
223) Norwich School (James)──────────────────┐ │ Race 88 12:46
224) Star Club (Tilds)──────┐ │ Race 57 11:13
225) Star Club (White)──────┘ Race 40 10:22
53) Junior 15 B Sculls
226) Bedford (Fisher)───────────┐
227) Norwich School (Dickerson)─┘ Race 82 12:28 │
228) Norwich School (Parsons)───┐ │ Race 175 17:07
229) Norwich School (Nolan)─────┘ Race 84 12:34
54) Junior 14 Sculls
230) Peterborough City (Ribbons)─┐
231) Norwich School (Catmull)────┘ Race 14 09:04 │
232) Norwich School (Tremelling)──────────────────┘ Race 72 11:58 │
233) Star Club (Baker)────────────────────────────┐ │ Race 120 14:22
│ │
234) Norwich School (Cooper)─────┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 76 12:10
235) Bedford (Mitchell)──────────┘ Race 9 08:49
55) Junior 14 B Sculls
236) Bedford (Moss)────────────┐
237) Norwich School (McCabe)───┘ Race 70 11:52 │
238) Norwich School (Robbins)───────────────────┘ Race 118 14:16 │
239) Norwich School (Dixon)─────────────────────┐ │ Race 171 16:55
│ │
240) Norwich School (Whitaker)─┐ ├────────────────┘
├────────────────┘ Race 65 11:37
241) Bedford (John)────────────┘ Race 49 10:49
56) Women's Sculls
242) St Neots (Shreeves)──┐
243) Isle of Ely (Magner)─┘ Race 152 15:58 │
244) Isle of Ely (Day)────┐ │ Race 188 17:46
245) Bedford (Moore)──────┘ Race 155 16:07
57) Women's Junior 17 Sculls
246) Oundle School (Kunzer)───────────┐
247) Oundle School (Gadsby)───────────┘ Race 71 11:55 │
248) Bedford Girls School (Knight)────┐ │ Race 124 14:34 │
├────────────────┘ │
249) Star Club (Tarrant)──────────────┘ Race 78 12:16 │
250) Bedford Modern School (Brittain)─┐ │ Race 169 16:49
├────────────────┐ │
251) Peterborough City (Parker)───────┘ Race 85 12:37 │ │
252) St Ives RC (Maddison)────────────┐ │ Race 126 14:40
253) Star Club (Upex)─────────────────┘ Race 87 12:43
58) Women's Junior 15 Sculls
254) Star Club (Rands)──────────────────────────────┐
255) Bedford Modern School (Eldin)─┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 182 17:28
256) St Edward's School (Ward)─────┘ Race 141 15:25
59) Women's Junior 14 Sculls
257) Star Club (Gallaher)──────────────┐
258) St Edward's School (Llabres Diaz)─┘ Race 187 17:43
60) Women's Junior 14 B Sculls
259) St Ives RC (Hasted)─────────────────────────┐
260) Star Club (Wiles)──────────┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 174 17:04
261) St Edward's School (Ellis)─┘ Race 140 15:22
61) Women's Junior 13 Single Sculls
262) Rob Roy (Darrington)──────────────────┐
263) Star Club (White)────┐ ├────────────────
├────────────────┘ Race 186 17:40
264) Star Club (Moore)────┘ Race 137 15:13