Walton and Weybridge Regatta

Saturday 8th June 2019

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Weybridge

4) Masters D/E Quads

Sponsored by Weybridge Rowing Club

 11) Walbrook (Lukes =D)─┐                
 12) Kingston (=D)───────┘ Race 66 11:19  │                
 13) Walbrook (Davis =E)─┐                │ Race 106 12:58 
 14) Weybridge (=D)──────┘ Race 67 11:22  

7) Women's Masters C Quads

Sponsored by Weybridge Rowing Club

 22) Weybridge (Gates)─────────────────────┐
 23) Weybridge (Leewragg)─┐                ├────────────────
                          ├────────────────┘ Race 112 13:13 
 24) Walbrook─────────────┘ Race 74 11:39  

13) Women's Junior 14 Coxed Quads (Wey)

Sponsored by Locker 27

 49) Walton────────────────────────┐                
 50) St George's College (Skinner)─┘ Race 5 08:38   │                
 51) Guildford (Cameron)───────────┐                │ Race 56 10:43  │
                                   ├────────────────┘                │
 52) Lady Eleanor Holles (Kroijer)─┘ Race 6 08:42                    │                
 53) Eton Excelsior────────────────┐                                 │ Race 100 12:38 
                                   ├────────────────┐                │
 54) St George's College (Scott)───┘ Race 7 08:46   │                │
 55) Weybridge─────────────────────┐                │ Race 57 10:47  
 56) Kingston (Greiner)────────────┘ Race 8 08:50   

16) Junior 13 Double Sculls

Sponsored by PAL Security

 72) Reading─────────────────────────────┐                
 73) Barn Elms (Lawrie)──────────────────┘ Race 91 12:19  │                
 74) Weybridge───────────────────────────┐                │ Race 122 13:38 
                                         │                │
 75) Walton─────────────┐                ├────────────────┘
                        ├────────────────┘ Race 92 12:21  
 76) Barn Elms (Forbes)─┘ Race 44 10:19  

19) Women's Junior 13 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Ferrara Ice Creams

 91) Reading───────────────────────┐
 92) Kingston─────┐                ├────────────────
                  ├────────────────┘ Race 120 13:34 
 93) Weybridge────┘ Race 86 12:09  

20) Open Sculls

For the Secretary's Cup

 94) Weybridge (T Johnson)──────────────┐ Crew 94        
 95) Walbrook (D Gallagher)─────────────┘ Race 1 08:30   │                
 96) Walton (J Swedlow)──────────────────────────────────┘ Race 21 09:32  │                
 97) Walton (N George)───────────────────────────────────┐                │ Race 71 11:32  │
                                                         ├────────────────┘                │
 98) Weybridge (S Pauwels)───────────────────────────────┘ Race 22 09:34                   │                
 99) Christchurch (S Hewitt)─────────────────────────────┐                                 │ Race 110 13:08 
                                                         ├────────────────┐                │
 100) Weybridge (L McLeod)───────────────────────────────┘ Race 23 09:36  │                │
 101) St George's College (H Flowerdew)──────────────────┐                │ Race 72 11:34  
 102) Walton (C Knill)──────────────────┐ Crew 103       │ Race 24 09:38  
 103) Weybridge (J Benton)──────────────┘ Race 2 08:32   

23) Junior 16 Sculls (Wey)

Sponsored by Dr Andrew Ruddle

 114) St George's College (M Gover)──────────────────┐                
 115) Weybridge (O Smith)────────────────────────────┘ Race 52 10:35  │                
 116) Kingston (L Bryan)─────────────────────────────┐                │ Race 98 12:34  
                                                     │                │
 117) Christchurch (B Ingrem)───────┐ Crew 118       ├────────────────┘
                                    ├────────────────┘ Race 53 10:37  
 118) Weybridge (C McNulty)─────────┘ Race 3 08:34   

24) Junior 14 Sculls

Sponsored by St. George's College

 119) St George's College (A Clinton)───┐ Crew 119       
 120) St George's College (S Croft)─────┘ Race 34 09:59  │                
 121) Bournemouth Collegiate (M Pitman)─┐                │ Race 84 12:05  │
                                        ├────────────────┘                │
 122) Reading (G Hutchins)──────────────┘ Race 35 10:01                   │                
 123) Notts County RA (B Richards)──────┐                                 │ Race 119 13:32 
                                        ├────────────────┐                │
 124) St George's College (T Bailey)────┘ Race 36 10:03  │                │
 125) Walton (H Zeghibe)────────────────┐                │ Race 85 12:07  
 126) Weybridge (J Manzi)───────────────┘ Race 37 10:05  

32) Women's Junior 15 Coxed Fours

Sponsored by Locker 27

 211) Weybridge─────────────┐ Crew 212       
 212) Surbiton High School──┘ Race 161 14:24 │                
 213) Lea────────────────────────────────────┘ Race 209 16:21 │                
 214) Staines────────────────────────────────┐                │ Race 244 17:53 
                                             │ Crew 215       │
 215) Wimbledon High School─┐ Crew 215       ├────────────────┘
                            ├────────────────┘ Race 210 16:24 
 216) Lady Eleanor Holles───┘ Race 162 14:27 

42) Open Double Sculls

Sponsored by Slide Tribe UK

 250) Weybridge (Benton)───┐                
 251) Weybridge (Wagstaff)─┘ Race 239 17:40 

44) Junior 16 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Robert Moore, President of the Regatta

 256) Weybridge (McNulty)────────────────┐                
 257) Kingston Grammar School (Dudgeon)──┘ Race 179 15:02 │                
 258) Kingston───────────────────────────┐                │ Race 221 16:47 │
                                         ├────────────────┘                │
 259) Staines (Froggatt)─────────────────┘ Race 180 15:04                  │                
 260) Christchurch───────────────────────┐                                 │ Race 250 18:06 
                                         ├────────────────┐                │
 261) Kingston Grammar School (Fletcher)─┘ Race 181 15:06 │                │
 262) Weybridge (Newton)─────────────────┐                │ Race 222 16:49 
 263) Staines (Geczy)────────────────────┘ Race 182 15:08 

46) Women's Double Sculls

Sponsored by Robert Moore, President of the Regatta

 270) Twickenham──────────────────────────────┐                
 271) Guildford (Marshall)────────────────────┘ Race 207 16:17 │                
 272) Guildford (Gleichmann)──────────────────┐                │ Race 242 17:48 
                                              │                │
 273) Weybridge──────────────┐                ├────────────────┘
                             ├────────────────┘ Race 208 16:19 
 274) Guildford (Bailey)─────┘ Race 160 14:22 

48) Women's Masters E/F/G Double Sculls

Sponsored by Elmbridge Borough Council

 278) Twickenham (=G)────────────────────────────┐                
 279) Weybridge (=F)─────────────────────────────┘ Race 199 15:58 │                
 280) Falcon (=E)────────────────────────────────┐                │ Race 234 17:27 
                                                 │                │
 281) Barnes Bridge Ladies (=E)─┐                ├────────────────┘
                                ├────────────────┘ Race 200 16:00 
 282) CAB/PTR (=E)──────────────┘ Race 159 14:20 

50) Women's Junior 14 Double Sculls

Sponsored by Walton on Thames Trading Alliance

 291) Surbiton High School─────────────┐                
 292) Lady Eleanor Holles──────────────┘ Race 169 14:42 │                
 296) Barn Elms─────────────────────────────────────────┘ Race 171 14:46 │                
 297) Wimbledon High School (Frediani)──────────────────┐ Crew 298       │ Race 247 18:00 │
                                                        ├────────────────┘                │
 298) Kingston──────────────────────────────────────────┘ Race 172 14:48                  │ W09
                    Winner of Race 169──────────────────┐                                 │ H09
                                                        ├────────────────┐                │
                    Winner of Race 170──────────────────┘ Race 215 16:35 │ W08│
                    Winner of Race 171──────────────────┐                │ H08
 293) Reading──────────────────────────┐                │ Race 216 16:37 
 294) Weybridge────────────────────────┘ Race 170 14:44 

53) Junior 15 Sculls (Wey)

Sponsored by Walton on Thames Trading Alliance

 311) Christchurch (J Brangan)───┐                
 312) Abingdon (L Tucker)────────┘ Race 154 14:08 │                
 313) Charterhouse (R Henderson)──────────────────┘ Race 191 15:34 │                
 314) Burway (N Dawson)───────────────────────────┐                │ Race 230 17:15 
                                                  │                │
 315) Weybridge (M Edwards)──────┐                ├────────────────┘
                                 ├────────────────┘ Race 192 15:36 
 316) Guildford (J Bentley)──────┘ Race 155 14:10 

54) Women's Junior 18 Sculls

For the Snake Higgins Cup

 317) Walton (M Fantham)───────────────┐                
 318) Eastbourne College BC (I Newton)─┘ Race 163 14:30 │                
 319) Weybridge (A Foulkes)────────────┐                │ Race 211 16:27 │
                                       ├────────────────┘                │
 320) Twickenham (V Obukohwo)──────────┘ Race 164 14:32                  │                
 321) Eton Excelsior (A Janmohamed)────┐                                 │ Race 245 17:56 
                                       ├────────────────┐                │
 322) Christchurch (M Morris)──────────┘ Race 165 14:34 │                │
 323) Maidenhead (T White)─────────────┐                │ Race 212 16:29 
 324) Reading (A Kemsley)──────────────┘ Race 166 14:36 

55) Women's Junior 15 Sculls (Thames)

Sponsored by Weybridge Ladies Amateur Rowing Club

 325) Weybridge (E Pauwels)───────────┐                
 326) Reading (M Thaw)────────────────┘ Race 152 14:04 │                
 327) Guildford (F Morland)────────────────────────────┘ Race 189 15:30 │                
 328) Surbiton High School (E Haynes)──────────────────┐                │ Race 229 17:13 
                                                       │                │
 329) Reading (S Maleham)─────────────┐                ├────────────────┘
                                      ├────────────────┘ Race 190 15:32 
 330) Guildford (R Boddington)────────┘ Race 153 14:06 

56) Women's Junior 15 Sculls (Wey)

Sponsored by Weybridge Ladies Amateur Rowing Club

 331) Weybridge (T Class─Kirtley)──────┐                
 332) Abingdon (K Perkins)─────────────┘ Race 150 14:00 │                
 333) Wimbledon High School (S Corben)──────────────────┘ Race 187 15:26 │                
 334) Burway (M Wood)───────────────────────────────────┐                │ Race 228 17:11 
                                                        │                │
 335) Reading (E Nelmes)───────────────┐                ├────────────────┘
                                       ├────────────────┘ Race 188 15:28 
 336) Christchurch (A Donaldson)───────┘ Race 151 14:02