Cambridge Autumn Regatta

Sunday 10th September 2023

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Globe RC

9) Open Coxed Fours

 22) Pembroke Cambridge──────────────────┐ Pembroke Cambridge                     
 23) Peterborough City (Evison─Williams)─┘ 4 lengths                              │ Pembroke Cambridge                     
                                           24) Wolfson College, Cam───────────────┘ easily                                 │ Pembroke Cambridge                     
                                           25) Peterborough City (Papworth)───────┐                                        │ 1 1/2 lengths                          
                                                                                  │ Peterborough City (Papworth)           │
 26) Globe───────────────────────────────┐ Huntingdon RC                          ├────────────────────────────────────────┘
                                         ├────────────────────────────────────────┘ easily                                 
 27) Huntingdon RC───────────────────────┘ easily                                 

12) Women's Coxed Fours

                          32) Cantabrigian──────┐ Cantabrigian          
                          33) Globe─────────────┘ Not Rowed Out         │ Milton Keynes         
                          34) Milton Keynes─────┐                       │ 1 length              
                                                │ Milton Keynes         │
 35) Huntingdon RC──────┐ Jesus College, Cam    ├───────────────────────┘
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 1/2 length            
 36) Jesus College, Cam─┘ 3/4 length            

16) Junior 17 Quads

 43) Globe─────────────┐ Peterborough City    
 44) Peterborough City─┘ a canvas             

17) Women's Quads (Band 1)

 45) Peterborough City (Bramwell)────┐ Peterborough City (Robotham)       
 46) Peterborough City (Robotham)────┘ 2 1/2 lengths                      │ Globe (Liston Smith)               
 47) Globe (Liston─Smith)────────────┐ Globe (Liston Smith)               │ 3/4 length                         
 48) Peterborough City (Manganiello)─┘ 3/4 length                         

18) Women's Quads (Band 2)

 49) Globe (Medland)──┐ Globe (Medland)     
 50) Isle of Ely──────┘ 2 1/2 lengths       │ Globe (Medland)     
 51) Milton Keynes────┐ Globe (Pakravan)    │ 2 feet              
 52) Globe (Pakravan)─┘ 2 1/2 lengths       

19) Women's Masters A/C Quads

 53) Chesterton (=C)────────┐ Chesterton (=C)           
 54) Peterborough City (=C)─┘ 4 1/2 lengths             │ Globe (=A)                
 55) Globe (=A)─────────────┐ Globe (=A)                │ 3/4 length                
 56) Isle of Ely (=C)───────┘ 3 lengths                 

20) Women's Junior 15 Quads

                             57) Cantabrigian (Newby)─┐
                                                      │ Cantabrigian (Machin)    
 58) Globe─────────────────┐ Cantabrigian (Machin)    ├──────────────────────────
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ 2 lengths                
 59) Cantabrigian (Machin)─┘ 2 1/2 lengths            

24) Women's Masters C/E Coxed Quads

 68) Isle of Ely (=E)─┐ Isle of Ely (=E)    
 69) Globe (=C)───────┘ easily              

28) Open Double Sculls (Band 1)

 77) Peterborough City (Bosma/Ryder)─┐ Peterborough City (Bosma/Ryder)    
 78) Abingdon────────────────────────┘ DNS                                │ Globe                              
 79) Peterborough/Huntingdon─────────┐ Globe                              │ 1/2 length                         
 80) Globe───────────────────────────┘ 1 1/4 lengths                      

32) Junior 17 Double Sculls

 81) Peterborough City─┐ Peterborough City    
 90) Globe (Wright)────┘ easily               │ Peterborough City    
 91) Huntingdon RC─────┐ Huntingdon RC        │ 5 lengths            
 92) Globe (Alianov)───┘ easily               

36) Women's Double Sculls (Band 1)

 102) Peterborough City─┐ Peterborough City     
 103) Globe─────────────┘ 3/4 length            

38) Women's Masters A/B/C Double Sculls

 110) Peterborough City (White =B)────┐ Chesterton (=B)                     
 111) Chesterton (=B)─────────────────┘ easily                              │ Peterborough City (Moulding =A)     
                                        112) Peterborough City (Moulding =A)┘ 3 lengths                           │ Peterborough City (Dennis =C)       
                                        113) Globe (=B)─────────────────────┐                                     │ 2 1/2 lengths                       
                                                                            │ Peterborough City (Dennis =C)       │
 114) Peterborough City (Dennis =C)───┐ Peterborough City (Dennis =C)       ├─────────────────────────────────────┘
                                      ├─────────────────────────────────────┘ 4 lengths                           
 115) Yare (=C)───────────────────────┘ 4 1/2 lengths                       

40) Women's Junior 18 Double Sculls

 119) Globe─────────────┐ Peterborough City     
 120) Peterborough City─┘ 1 1/2 lengths         

42) Women's Junior 16 Double Sculls

                             123) Globe (Van Den Berg)┐ Globe (Van Den Berg)     
                             124) Cantabrigian────────┘ Row Over                 │ Peterborough City        
                             125) Globe (Amlani)──────┐                          │ 4 lengths                
                                                      │ Peterborough City        │
 126) St Ives──────────────┐ Peterborough City        ├──────────────────────────┘
                           ├──────────────────────────┘ 3 lengths                
 127) Peterborough City────┘ 1 1/2 lengths            

43) Women's Junior 15 Double Sculls (Band 1)

 128) Globe (Ozonu/Hall)─────────────┐ Peterborough City                  
 129) Peterborough City──────────────┘ 3 lengths                          │ Cantabrigian (Trapmore/Hutton)     
 130) Globe (Green/Walters)──────────┐ Cantabrigian (Trapmore/Hutton)     │ 2 lengths                          
 131) Cantabrigian (Trapmore/Hutton)─┘ 3 lengths                          

48) Open Sculls (Band 1)

 152) Globe (Eustance Cole)────────┐ Peterborough City (Elder)        
 153) Peterborough City (Elder)────┘ 1/2 length                       │ City of Cambridge (Matthews)     
 154) Peterborough City (Garfield)─┐ City of Cambridge (Matthews)     │ 1 1/2 lengths                    
 155) City of Cambridge (Matthews)─┘ 2 1/2 lengths                    

49) Open Sculls (Band 2)

 156) Huntingdon RC───────────────┐ Huntingdon RC                   
 157) City of Cambridge (Wheeler)─┘ Row Over                        │ Huntingdon RC                   
                                    158) Milton Keynes──────────────┘ 1 1/2 lengths                   │ Huntingdon RC                   
                                    159) St Neots (Putintsev)───────┐ St Neots (Putintsev)            │ Row Over                        │
                                                                    ├─────────────────────────────────┘                                 │
                                    160) Cantabrigian (Wilson)──────┘ No Race                                                           │ Broxbourne                      
                                    161) Broxbourne─────────────────┐ Broxbourne                                                        │ 2 lengths                       
                                                                    ├─────────────────────────────────┐                                 │
 162) Stratford─upon─Avon─────────┐ Cantabrigian (Hilcenko)         │ Row Over                        │                                 │
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘                                 │ Broxbourne                      │
 163) Cantabrigian (Hilcenko)─────┘ DNS                                                               ├─────────────────────────────────┘
                                                                                                      │ 2 lengths                       
                                    164) Globe (Darlington)─────────┐ Globe (Darlington)              │
 165) Clare───────────────────────┐ Clare                           │ easily                          
 166) St Neots (Hannah)───────────┘ easily                          

54) Junior 17 Sculls

 179) Globe (Wright)────┐ Globe (Wright)        
 180) Huntingdon RC─────┘ 3 lengths             │ St Ives               
                          181) St Ives──────────┘ Disqualification      │ Globe (Brooks)        
                          182) Globe (Brooks)───┐                       │ 1/2 length            
                                                │ Globe (Brooks)        │
 183) Globe (Tampling)──┐ Globe (Tampling)      ├───────────────────────┘
                        ├───────────────────────┘ 3 lengths             
 184) Peterborough City─┘ 2 lengths             

59) Women's Junior 18 Sculls

                                    208) Peterborough City (Dovey)──┐
                                                                    │ Peterborough City (Dovey)       
 209) Peterborough City (Szubzda)─┐ Peterborough City (Szubzda)     ├─────────────────────────────────
                                  ├─────────────────────────────────┘ 1 length                        
 210) Globe───────────────────────┘ 3 1/2 lengths