Bedford Quarts Sprint Regatta

Sunday 10th July 2005

Click here to view the full Draw.
Click here to view the Regatta Timetable.

Draw for Yare RC

0Senior 2 Double Sculls

 107) Beccles RC (Benest─Bartram/Bartram)─┐ Cambridge/Rob Roy (Hodgson/Walton)      
 108) Cambridge/Rob Roy (Hodgson/Walton)──┘ 2:02 1 1/2 lengths                      │ Cambridge/Rob Roy (Hodgson/Walton)      
 109) Yare (D'Esposito/Green)─────────────┐ Yare (D'Esposito/Green)                 │ 2:01 1 3/4 lengths                      
 110) Walton RC (Boon/Gower)──────────────┘ 2:05 2 lengths                          

0Senior 3 Double Sculls

 111) Status Change───────────────────────┐ Lowestoft RC (Schneider/Warne)          
 112) Lowestoft RC (Schneider/Warne)──────┘ 2:12 Row Over                           │ Beccles RC (Benest Bartram/Bartram)     
 113) Peterborough City (Bishop/Hurford)──┐ Beccles RC (Benest Bartram/Bartram)     │ 2:02 1 length                           │
                                          ├─────────────────────────────────────────┘                                         │
 114) Beccles RC (Benest─Bartram/Bartram)─┘ 2:14 Row Over                                                                     │ Bedford (Robb/Hardwick)                 
 115) Stratford─upon─Avon (Copham/Keasey)─┐ Stratford upon Avon (Copham/Keasey)                                               │ 2:03 3 1/2 lengths                      
                                          ├─────────────────────────────────────────┐                                         │
 116) Rob Roy (De Mauny/Joy)──────────────┘ 2:12 1 length                           │ Bedford (Robb/Hardwick)                 │
 117) Yare (Warns/Horth)──────────────────┐ Bedford (Robb/Hardwick)                 │ 2:07 2 lengths                          
 118) Bedford (Robb/Hardwick)─────────────┘ 1:58 1 length                           

0Womens Senior 3 Double Sculls

 147) Cambridge 99 (Twitchett/Dennis)───────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Cambridge 99 (Twitchett/Dennis)           
 148) Yare (D'Esposito/Holmes)──────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:21 4 1/2 lengths                        │ Cambridge 99 (Twitchett/Dennis)           
 149) Peterborough City (Richardson/Carter)─────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Weybridge RC (Musgrave/Pollard)           │ 5 lengths                                 │
                                                                                        ├───────────────────────────────────────────┘                                           │
 150) Weybridge RC (Musgrave/Pollard)───────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:23 1 1/4 lengths                                                                    │ Cambridge 99 (Twitchett/Dennis)           
 151) Marlow (Phillips/Knill)───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Marlow (Phillips/Knill)                                                               │ 2:11 1 1/2 lengths                        
                                                                                        ├───────────────────────────────────────────┐                                           │
 152) Northampton (Bell/Pearson)────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:16 1/2 length                           │ Weybridge RC (Kean/Jackson)               │
 153) Peterborough City (Bobyk/Harrington)──────────────────────────────────────────────┐ Weybridge RC (Kean/Jackson)               │ 2:18 easily                               
 154) Status Change─────────────────────────┐ Weybridge RC (Kean/Jackson)               │ 2:15 4 lengths                            
 155) Weybridge RC (Kean/Jackson)───────────┘ Row Over                                  

0Senior 3 Sculls

 192) Bedford (Robb)─────────────────┐ Yare (Mulvany)                     
 193) Yare (Mulvany)─────────────────┘ 2:09 3 feet                        │ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)     
 194) Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)──────────────────────────────────────┘ 2:09 easily                        │
                                                                                                               │ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)     
 195) Star Club (Pledger)────────────┐ Star Club (Pledger)                                                     ├────────────────────────────────────
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │ 2:12 1 length                      
 196) Norwich (Fitzgerald)───────────┘ 2:11 2/3 length                    │ Star Club (Pledger)                │
 300) Stratford─upon─Avon (Gordon)───┐ Stratford upon Avon (Gordon)       │ 2:12 1 length                      
 198) Lowestoft RC (Lyman)───────────┘ Row Over                           

0Senior 4 Sculls

 199) Peterborough City (Rist)───────┐ Yare (Warns)                       
 200) Yare (Warns)───────────────────┘ 1 length                           │ Star Club (Christie)               
 201) Star Club (Christie)───────────┐ Star Club (Christie)               │ 3:33 3 lengths                     │
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
 202) Norwich (Linford)──────────────┘ Row Over                                                                │ Star Club (Christie)               
 203) Broxbourne (Sawtell)───────────┐ Broxbourne (Sawtell)                                                    │ 2:15 3 lengths                     │
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┐ Broxbourne (Sawtell)               │                                    │
 204) Cambridge 99 (Caulton)─────────┘ Not Rowed Out                      ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │
                                                                          │ 2:22 4 lengths                                                          │
 205) Star Club (Miller)──────────────────────────────────────────────────┘                                                                         │ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)     
 206) Peterborough City (Kisby)───────────────────────────────────────────┐ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)                                          │ 2:10 2 lengths                     
                                                                          ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
 207) Stratford─upon─Avon (Gordon)───┐ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)     │ 4:47 2 1/2 lengths                 │                                    │
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┘                                    │                                    │
 208) Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)─┘ Row Over                                                                │ Magdalen Coll Oxford (Johnson)     │
 209) Yare (Mulvany)─────────────────┐ Yare (Mulvany)                                                          │ 2:12 2 lengths                     
                                     ├────────────────────────────────────┐                                    │
 210) Bedford (Taylor)───────────────┘ 3 feet                             │ Yare (Mulvany)                     │
 211) Star Club (Grant─Jones)────────┐ Star Club (Grant Jones)            │ 2:21 1/2 length                    
 212) Status Change──────────────────┘ 2:46 Row Over